Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A bit of Randomness

This was my inspiration for this...

My new bench has settled nicely into our garden.  Notice all the weeds that have already grown up around it.  Behind it, in that big pot, is Boy's carrot patch.  He sits on this little bench facing backwards and watches his carrots grow.

We have been growing our best ever peppers this year.  Here's one of the pepper beds.  You can see the other on the right.  I like to intersperse flowers in with nearly everything I plant.  They will attract beneficial insects to your plants, help keep away pesty bugs, and they look pretty.

Surprise!!!  A fall pea plant appearing out of nowhere in amongst the fall greens!!!  How fun and unexpected.  (Who says gardens can't be exciting?)

Summer lettuce.  It's nice to still have lettuce in August.  Crispy kinds, like romaines, work best.  This one is Michelle Lettuce.

Magic beans.  So pretty even when they're not all the way open.

Bits of pure sunshine in your mouth.

Taking care of the harvest.

Of course, it's always best to just leave on jar open.  You can't leave jars of jam on the counter that long without someone wanting to taste it!

Hope your day is filled with summery goodness!

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