Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer's Simple Things - The Eclectic Version

Welp, it's Tuesday again.  And that means that I'm joining Kim, over at The Inadvertent Farmer, for her Summer's Simple Things series.  I so enjoy Tuesdays!!

Remember these?

Well, now we have these!!!!!

I love fresh "green" beans.  I love the mix of colors that we grow - green, purple, yellow.  I found some favorites over the years - Royal Burgundy purple bush beans (so prolific and tasty - they turn green when you cook them), Golden Rocky Bush Wax Bean (so lovely, long, and yellow), Black Seeded Blue Lake pole beans (I grow them up the corn stalks), Medinah green bush bean (a new favorite from last year - the beans stay thin and tender even if you don't get the chance to pick them right away), and a new one for me this year Provider Bush Green Bean (just as the name suggests).  I enjoy trying new varieties of all the veggies each year.  I cook them for use in salads or as a side dish, we eat them raw dipped in hummus, and I freeze lots of them for winter yumminess.

Some other summer time favorites for me...  hanging laundry outside.

I have lines everywhere - out in the yard, on the porch, and even in the house.  It's a simple pleasure that I don't do as much as I'd like anymore.

Jumping rope.

What says summer more than a little girl jumping rope?

As I go about my day doing all the things I do, I am always struck by how many bottles of bubbles we accumulate around the place.  Just this morning I found all these.






And those are just the ones I saw as I was doing the morning routine.  Each bottle of bubbles has it's own owner, it's own story, and is in it's own stage of doneness.  Each time we empty one, I put it aside and tell myself "I'm going to just start making my own bubbles."  That way I can use ingredients I am completely comfortable with.  But I have yet to do so.  Anyone have a good bubble recipe?  Bubbles are so much fun.

Still waiting (impatiently) on these.

Hope you all have a fun and summery day! 


inadvertent farmer said...

ROFL...I am so glad I'm not the only one that find bubbles everywhere! It is like there is a bubble fairy in my yard!

Yes I agree jumping rope is one of the best summer pleasures ever! Kim

Laura @ Our House of Joyful Noise said...

Oh....I'd like to try growing green beans too. Maybe instead of some of my squash! I also love the idea of laundry lines, but sometimes the pollen is so bad here, I decide not to.
Nice fresh looking blog! I love polka dots.

alayne said...

Hi, Laura.
Thank you for your kind comments! Green beans are super easy to grow. And the plants are so prolific, you don't need many. Yeah, I see how the pollen would give you lots of trouble. :o(
thanks for stopping by.