Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Working Hard

Here at my house, we are in the throes of Christmas preparations.  Although it always seems to be a crazy time of year, we are trying our hardest to enjoy ourselves while we prepare.  Sometimes wanting to celebrate Christmas in a more simple way makes for other stresses that end up making it feel NOT simple.  Really, it's a trade off - one stressor we can't stand for another we are comfortable with.  Doing this make the stress seem less like stress.  Actually enjoyable.  For instance, I really don't like to shop.  But I do like to sew and shop at fabric and craft stores.  So, this year, I am making gifts for the majority of the people on my list.  Any shopping that I want to do is happening online for the most part.  I don't mind that as much.  And there are so many cool things to see on Etsy!!!

We've all been busy.

Hard at work. 



And trying enjoying nearly every minute of it.

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