Monday, November 1, 2010


Our October has been a long and joyous one.  Our family really gets into Halloween, as you may have gathered from some previous posts.  This weekend, we did a wee bit of trick or treating. 

Munch is probably on her fifth costume here - a 50's girl.  This year she has been the princess Buttercup, a lion, a fairy, and Ginny Weasly.  I love how she pieces together her own costumes out of our dress-up stash.  Every once in a while, I make an integral piece of her costume.  Sweetpea is a woodland fairy, and has been fairly consistent with that one.  (Except for the time we forced her to be a Rodent Of Unusual Size.)

Boy was Fessik for a bit, then switched over to a pirate.

Love the rain boots...

Arrrr, maties!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Ummm. We really need to get that girl to stop flipping off the camera...